Thursday 27 March 2025 6pm GMT | Zoom | 60 minutes
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If you have any ambitions to have a book published, this will be an hour of interesting, practical professional development that will help you on that process. Perhaps you are hoping to get a book published for the first time, or - and this is perfectly usual and common - someone who has had books published but is struggling to get a publisher to bite on your new idea.
I can help.
In part 1, we looked at how to approach writing a book proposal: in this gathering we’ll work on a proposal written by someone who attended the first gathering, and I’ll be talking you through what and why I am suggesting changes, the steps I suggest you consider in making your proposal land well, and answering any questions you may have.
I’ve written 14 books, winning Food Book of the Year twice, and Garden Book of the Year twice. My book SOUR was shortlisted for a prestigious James Beard Foundation Award in 2020.
I know what I’m doing when it comes to books, and I can help you get your book idea into the very best condition to encourage a decision maker to give you the nod.
Much of the content of this gathering will be governed by those who attend: let me know what you’d like to discuss, any uncertainties you have and - even if it seems the simplest of questions - let me have it. We will certainly talk about what commissioning editors and agents are looking for, and what they are not; about format, tone and what you should include, and much more.
Join me, I can help.
This event is free for paid subscribers.
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This is one of the (approximately) monthly gatherings connected to the writing process that are available to paid subscribers.
To learn more about these Gatherings and why they might help you with the writing process, click here.