Jun 18Liked by Mark Diacono

All us scousers are out in our shorts ….. it’s summer no matter what the weather says.

Strawberries are doing well though and the apple orchard is enjoying it not being a million degrees with no rain.

I think I enjoy the unpredictably of it all as it makes me cook different things depending on what I have a food mountain of.

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Hello Gill, this is exactly the way to be isn't it - some harvests lose while others win, as ever! Wishing you warm knees

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Lovely! Particularly the association of elderflowers with pee. Yr right, course you are!

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Thank you Elisabeth!

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I had the first cherries in the veg/fruit box delivery last week - such a joy. I put dwarfing trees in at the plot, and they have done anything but! As we are not frequent enough visitors ... we always seem to miss the perfect time to pick as by the time they are ripe enough, the birds have stripped the tree bare - at least they get a good feast.

And as for the weather - weekend trip away at the weekend, meant that I overpacked considerably for all the seasons (and in fact wore most of it!)

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Cherries do make very good bird food sadly! And sorry about the packing for four seasons - it's driving me mad.

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Jun 17Liked by Mark Diacono

Love your writing

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Thank you Jan! Much appreciated

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I am eyeing up some small cherries on the tree that's overhanging our garden. Will it be worth stoning them? I should have a go

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You should!

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Thank goodness for some slightly more settled weather now. As yet, I haven’t braved a pair of shorts, here’s hoping next week. The Clafoutis sounds delicious. Very intrigued by the coriander seed!

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Shorts is very bold! And i promise the coriander is a great thing here

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We're not quite onto cherries here yet, but I shall be making that clafoutis the second they appear - sounds wonderful!

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Thank you Christie. I love that slightly painful anticipation when they are almost ready!

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Kent always comes to the rescue. There’s nothing better than the tart and rich taste of them. They’re so indulgent. I’ll be making this this weekend for sure. Beautiful writing as ever Mark, the imagery. I imagined the colanders, the rainfall. It was wonderful.

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Thank you Anna…Kent can be quite excellent can’t it

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I think it's a Sceptr'd Isle rose (emphasis on the think) and very glad to see an oaty alternative which will, no doubt, be delicious. Have you used coriander seed in other dishes? I'm intrigued

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Amie Elizabeth, your wisdom is greatly appreciated! I use oat milk/cream most of the time now - I really like it. And yes, as well as all the more obvious coriander seed in curries etc, it works so well with blueberries (hello blueberry muffins) but even dusted over blueberries and yoghurt

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I don’t have much so please enjoy !🌹 oh how wonderful, I’ll most definitely be trying the combination 🫐

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Yep, this weather can go do one! Let’s face it, if we no not what to wear, our poor crops must be just as confused. I am wondering if the two strawberries we managed to nurture is the best we’ll get this year. Thank goodness for real farmers, true words spoken by my kids.

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Exactly that - at least we can go indoors, put more layers on etc etc - unlike the plants

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I can guarantee I'll be plump after this has been in the oven for 25 mins, but I'm not so sure on the golden. Looks fab though. Might have to hit it with the vegan stick to make it domestically acceptable (chia seeds are from SAGE, I've recently discovered!), but it looks glorious, and I'm wondering if I can use my ridiculously large cast iron apple pie pan. ALSO the weather made me swear in my most recent post, too.

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we are terrible swearers and deserve no clafoutis. I'll be very interested to hear how this turns out for you if you make it with an egg substitute - keep me posted please

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Jun 18Liked by Mark Diacono

Hi Mark. I made my first ever elderflower cordial yesterday in Cornwall it does indeed smell quite pungent as you mention. Do you think I left it too late and the elderflowers are a bit past it now?? Thanks Anne

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Hi Anne - I think 'late' is in the nose of the beholder! Do try a taste of it - it may well be just perfect. Either way, it will do you no harm

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You sound just me when I go out, rugged up in my polo neck jumper and coat, passing the young ones in tee shirts and shorts, unlike those who are aging they just don’t seem to feel the cold. Cherries must be one of the most expensive fruit to buy, normally here when they finally arrive late November, they come in at $20 kilo. And I don’t care either, they are only around for such a short time, but our blueberries which are available all year have recently doubled in price so I’m eating raspberries and pears instead. Thank you for your recipe this week.

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That short window is just too hard to resist isn't it - whatever the price, a long as the cherries are good!

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Ahh, that's kind of you, Mark. Thank you.

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That first line got me, Mark, in the best way! Such evocative writing, a treat. And a further treat with your cherry and coriander seed clafoutis, which I needed to write in full so as to remember. I wonder if almond flour would work with this or would it corrupt your design? Beautiful share, thank you.

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Hi Frances, thank you very much, what a lovely thing to read after a long day. I think it would be heavier with almond flour but the flavour would be really good. I’m all in favour of corrupting my design!

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Jun 17Liked by Mark Diacono

June visited Suffolk today, will she be with us tomorrow? I have hope.

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I am envious!

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