Cold grey February days call for Reasons to be Cheerful Part Four, a fire, and Devon spiced beans
Abundance: Thursday 13 February 2025
Summer, Paul Buchanan1, a working cannon
A whirling armed Mick Channon2 and bees
Lime flowers in midsummer, a V necked cricket jumper
Here Comes The Summer3 and sandy knees
Tomato leaves that linger, on the grower’s fingers
Charlie Mingus, and the second sneeze
Night scented stocks at 10pm, freshly ground cumin
A large Hepple gin4 and a gentle breeze
95+ from the bowler5, out with the heavy roller
A glass of Coca Cola, the resulting burps
Nutty new potatoes, Honeycomb tomatoes6
Sea between your toes, cricket chirps
Tarragon not basil, smoky bacon Frazzles
An absence of hassle, the smell of turps
Jaco and Joni7, a donkey or a pony
Only The Lonely8, and monocarps9
Kentucky Wonder beans, an allotment fence that leans
Not being in Milton Keynes
An aubergine in flames, holiday card games
Excellent nicknames
Japanese wineberries, a little glass of sherry
Feeling rather merry
Sichuan peppers ripen, a pizza (not Hawaiian)
Something special on the horizon
Curry in the heat, sunshine on your feet
Someone else has changed the sheets
Johnny Marr’s guitar10, warm interior of car
Dr Hfuhruhurr11
The lines where currents cross, a stick of candy floss
Not having a boss
Two impressions of Michael Caine12, very welcome rain
Alice Coltrane13
Reasons to be cheerful, part four
Reasons to be cheerful, part four
Reasons to be cheerful, part four
Reasons to be cheerful, one, two, three14
(With apologies to the ghost of Ian Dury)