What works for me: somebody - was it you, Mark? - told me that 'not writing feels worse than writing'.

She says, currently with three clear hours and therefore thinking about doing a bit of yoga/cleaning/breakfast/pottering/ thinking about another book idea/ looking out of the window/

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It wasn't but I'm very happy to claim credit for it. I am also in that position, and therefore youtubing to see if there's any footage of that gig from 1986/staring out of the window/wondering if it's too early for that piece of cake.

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A really helpful post, Mark. Quite a lot of that resonated: giving yourself permission, recognising that you are a writer. And giving your writing time the same respect as the most important client meeting. Love what you are doing here. I wondered also how much benefit or distraction you find in reading the work of others? And do you find yourself reading less as your writing finds a rich vein?

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Hi Matt, thank you - and for your fascinating question. The more I do what I do, the more I'm convinced that the best writers are the best readers. Whatever instrument you play/wield/write with can't help but develop as a response to others doing great things. For me, listening (and I mean really listening) to James Jamerson made me initially want to give up playing the bass, but in the end some of his sensibility began to slide into how I play, and it's the same with writing. It's maybe back to that thing about permission - someone showing you a way different to yours can sometimes just unlock something in you, and not necessarily consciously. There are other writers who I am perhaps closer to, but the elegance of Nigella's writing has aways struck me as being hugely under-appreciated, perhaps because of her visual presence...she doesn't waste a word...everything so tight, yet full of warmth and character. I don't want to write like Nigella but her writing seems such a representation of her that it makes me seek my own version of that, if that makes sense. So, to - finally - answer you question, I think I've read more rather than less the longer I've been writing and the better I've hopefully got over time, and I think the two are related.

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Wholeheartedly agree that many probably don't appreciate Nigella's skill as a writer. If you go back to that first book, it was all too clear (no pictures in that one even!). I think I'm glad to see you answer affirmatively. I find myself bending a little in my style when reading writers whose work I love, but nothing that a quick edit can't smooth out afterwards. I make the time for reading at the very beginning of the day. My inclination for writing is at the very end of the day. It's a shame that sleeping isn't optional!

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That is very true! Interesting you each to write more. You have already influenced a lot of people photographically…putting the two together more is a very appealing prospect

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I've always liked the relationship that the two have together (words and pictures). Writing came first. This feels like a nice home for it all.

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Yep, I like the feel of this place and the community around it. Looking forward to reading more of yours

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That first book was an inspiration to me - as you sat, no pictures, but the words created all the images

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Indeed. I think the only picture of Nigella herself was on the dust-jacket flap. There was a Delia puff quote on the front cover: it did feel like a baton was being passed on even back then, if not from Queen to Queen, certainly from Bible to Bible. And also, when considering the quality of the writing, I think relevant to remember the context of how she wrote it, with her husband tragically unable to eat the food that she was writing about: that makes for an incredibly powerful prism for how you think and write about food.

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Incredible really, in so many ways

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Very useful post. The idea of valuing yourself as a writer has really struck a chord.

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Thanks Andrea, I’m very glad you think so. It’s so important to value yourself as a writer

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It was lovely to hear you share your tips. There are so many good ones here. The ‘optimum’ and minimum period of time I need to set aside for writing is two hours. Rest for 45minutes then repeat. With this formula I get quite a bit done. But it will be different for everyone.

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Thanks Yasmin. I like the idea of a proper break after a couple of intense hours - I'm not so good at taking breaks, but I suspect they'd be very useful time where things shake down in my mind. I shall give it a go

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It's proven to work. Also, you don't feel guilty taking a break when it's sandwiched between two writing stints.

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This was exactly what I needed to hear Mark. There are gifts to be found when you are forced to slow down (I got a boring bug too) as I’ve given myself permission to binge read/listen to the past posts I missed. You’ve helped me realise a couple of important things; procrastination is for sure the big stumbling block and secondly, I do take myself seriously. What really resonated was when you talked about writing being an emotional business. This is so true. And it can be exhausting when you scatter pieces of yourself into it. I penned a whole (very different) book some time ago (when I was doing a pretty intense writing degree); one which will never see the light of day, and a fair few articles for magazines etc since. But the book took everything I had and quite possibly more. I felt like I was carrying a monster on my back for much of it. I care. And I think the caring part really matters. At least for me. There is so much great stuff in here and I’m going to process (not procrastinate) it for a day or two. But I’m giving myself the permission to start now, despite not having the optimal conditions or heaps of time. Thank you for that.

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I'm glad that bit resonated. When Diana H and I run weekend food writing courses there are always emotional times, and people on those courses often share such intimate times that they stay ion contact and even meet in the years that follow. It can be a very big deal to be that open with yourself, never mind others. I'm glad it was useful - that is my main aim!

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