I think I can partly take some of the blame for weather changel, as I finally purchased a new waterproof. The previous one was decidedly not in anyway waterproof, so I've invested in a new one and now can only stand in the shower or blindly walk into the neighbours sprinkler to test it!

We had two buses a day from my village, one to town and one back. And only on market days. If you missed the bus back from town, it was a very long uphill walk back home. If you were early, you could guarantee the bus would be late and should you chance your luck as it was nearly always late, it would of course be early.

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I’m willing to offer you a 20% share in responsibility for making June finally arrive…deal?

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I’ll take that … a snifter of limoncello to seal the deal? Chin, chin 🥂

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I spent half my childhood hedging my bets on whether to stick or walk and then running back, and then chasing frantically forwards for buses in Birmingham. The faith one needed to travel by public transport in those days was off the scale.

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We had it bad and no one understands these days

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Another great rapead and thank you for the addition of your recipe for Shakshuka, the Burrato would definitely add to the deliciousness of it. Your mention of Donald Sutherland reminded me of what a fabulous actor he was. I don’t think in all of his career he ever made a dud movie.

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I couldn’t agree more about Donald Sutherland! And if he was in a movie that wasn’t the best he made it better. What a man

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Jun 26Liked by Mark Diacono

I thought Shakshuka was a Kate Bush song !

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Ha ha! That’s an earworm that won’t let me go

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Jun 26Liked by Mark Diacono

Very glad you sod's-lawed summer into being! Seems to also be sod's law that I've down with a cold on the three days of summer we Brits are granted! But it has been magical to feel the transformation so suddenly, everything so fully alive and a total lightness in the air on these long, suspended late June days.

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It’s like being dropped into a different world isn’t it - such joy, though sorry for your cold

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So, it's you! Thank you, thank you, for Sod's-Lawing June to behaving itself. As a member of the exclusive "From the Caribbean, Still Acclimatising" club, the last 9 months have been hell on God's very green earth, and my bones are grateful for your intervention. And, thanks too, for the chuckle that came with the description of the bus shelter; in my youth, the island being highly versed (from birth) in the art of idle backside parking, something we call "liming" it painted a nostalgic picture, albeit in different circumstances. Fun!

Such beautiful writing, Mark. To place 'grass/feathers and shitty aphids' in one sentence is pure skill and a delight. I'm not a foodie (don't shoot me), I just love your writing. So, the recipe ( Shakshuka I had to look up) is a bonus.

Take the blame - I definitely owe you one!

Have a lovely sunshine day.

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Thank you so much Frances, your lovely words have made my morning. I love the term ‘liming’ which is a new one on me! I’m from rainy Devon and the last 9 months has felt very long, so I can only begin to imagine your pain!

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Here we are enjoying a couple of cooler, rainy summer days after a week of humid, overcast hot weather, so maybe for a while our two climate zones are overlapping!

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That's a very pleasing thought! Already people in the cafe this morning talking about it being too hot!

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Thank you, thank you for invoking Sod's law. We haven't had the fire on for nearly a week!!

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I am the saviour sent to save everyone's log stack

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We do owe you one! And also another for zhoozing up Shakshuka - I do like it but always felt it was missing that certain something. You, as ever, have hit the nail on the head: cheese!

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is that the official spelling of zhoozing?! I like it very much if so

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Well I thought about it. Maybe it’s zhoozhing

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Are you making this up as you go along…

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Thank you.Such a good read. Both picturesque and personal. And delicious of course.W.

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Thank you Wendy

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Thanks for making summer come! Your influence goes as far as Ireland.

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How powerful I am!

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Did you know that you can buy ladybird larvae and release them onto a tree or plant to eat the aphids? The larvae can't fly (you won't find them miles away on your neighbour's runner beans the next day, so good 'retention' level) and will eat the enemy.

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I have done that in the past but I’m such a twit for wanting to attract them ‘naturally’ but sometimes the timimg is out!

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Great post, Mark.

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Thank you Rosy

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Jun 24Liked by Mark Diacono

Mark, been meaning to say I made your clafoutis recipe on Sunday and my clafoutis hating husband has been raving about it ever since (none left!) - the addition of coriander seeds is a revelation! Thanks for this and all the other deliciousness - currently sweltering here in humid Lancashire so shakshuka tonight 😋 ….

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Penny, with 12 minutes left of it you have made my day! Thank you so much

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